When will the heating season 2021-2022 end: dates and nuances 

When does the heating season end in houses with central heating? Could any factors push the end of the season earlier or later? What activities accompany the end of the heating season and preparation for the next one? Let's try to answer these questions.

When does the heating stop? Let's find out.

Who makes the decision to disconnect and on what basis?

Decisions on turning on and off the centralized heating system are made by local governments, and not by utility services or CHP workers.

In the spring, when the heating season ends, the municipality, based on the weather forecast, sets the date on which the CHP employees will turn off the heating.

The document that regulates the heating season schedule is RF PP No. 354 dated May 6, 2011 (last amended dated December 29, 2020). What determines the shutdown date:

  1. The air temperature is not lower than 8 oC for 5 days. This condition is relevant for houses in which heat is supplied through central networks. If an apartment building is heated autonomously, then the decision to turn off the system is made by the owners during a meeting.
  2. Region. For example, for the southern regions the optimal date is the beginning of April, for the middle zone - April-May, in the northern regions heating can work until the end of May.
  3. Weather forecast. Even if the conditions from RF PP No. 354 are met, the municipality consults with meteorological services before disconnecting. If, according to the forecast for the next 10 days, a sharp drop in temperature is possible, then despite the fact that the temperature remains above 8 oC for 5 days in a row, the heating will not be turned off. In such situations, the system power is reduced.

The municipality is obliged to report on the decision made to turn off the heating. The order must be published:

  • on the website of local authorities;
  • in the media.

Citizens can find out the date from free sources, as well as by calling the management company or the municipality help desk.

Start of the heating season 2021-2022

Every year, heat connection in the regions is carried out at different times. But still, many citizens are concerned when the heating season begins according to the law in Russia in 2022?

To determine the date, several conditions are taken into account:

  • Over the last 5 days, the weather should be stable and the temperature should not exceed + 8 degrees. If the connection is moved, then sudden frost may occur and this will lead to freezing of the heating systems. And as a result, companies will suffer serious losses, and the connection of heat supply may take a long time;
  • The heat connection must be carried out between October 1 and October 15. But launching it earlier will be unprofitable, because the connection process is quite difficult and costly;
  • The weather forecast for the next month is taken into account. If sharp warming is expected in the coming days, then connecting batteries in houses will be inappropriate. In this case, the dates may be postponed.

Approximate schedule for turning off heating in Russian cities in 2022

Approximate dates for the end of the heating season in large cities of the Russian Federation are presented in the table.

CityHeating shutdown schedule
MoscowMay 7
Saint Petersburg26 of May
Novosibirsk26 April
EkaterinburgMay 7
KazanApril 27
Nizhny NovgorodMay 7
ChelyabinskApril 30
SamaraApril 28
OmskApril 21
Rostov-on-DonApril 24
UfaMay 3
KrasnoyarskMay 10
VoronezhApril 30
PermianMay 4th
VolgogradApril 29

The dates indicated in the table are estimates. Information is based on statistics for 2022. The exact shutdown dates for heating systems may differ from the dates indicated. Moreover, they may be different for different settlements of the same region.

Preparation for the heating season 2021-2022

Preparations for the 2021-2022 heating season will begin after the adoption of regulatory documents. It is prepared by local governments together with the heads of organizations that maintain residential facilities.

The resolution on the start of preparations for the heating season must be approved before April 30. It must contain the following information:

  • Information about the authorized person who will carry out the operation and continuous maintenance of the main thermal power facilities. For these purposes, a specialist is appointed who has a higher education in the field of heat and power engineering. He must also undergo certification every year. The appointment of a deputy is carried out according to the same principle;
  • The acts must indicate information about the members of the commission who will prepare energy complexes for their further operation. Their responsibilities include checking the readiness of thermal facilities, serviceability and normal functioning throughout the autumn and winter;
  • Information regarding the beginning and end of the heating season;
  • The documents must display a plan of activities that need to be completed in order to prepare the equipment for normal operation in the autumn-winter season. The plan must be agreed upon with all participants, and then it is approved;
  • Indicates the algorithm for the procedure for reporting and monitoring preparatory activities, checking the condition and serviceability of thermal systems, devices, their readiness for connection;
  • A procedure is being introduced for the order of activities and test work of all heat supply systems.

How does this happen

Due to the nature of the central heating system, it is turned off simultaneously for objects of the same type. That is, it is impossible for the heating to be turned off in two houses belonging to the same combined heat and power plant on different days.

However, CHP workers do not turn off the heating at the same time. A sequential algorithm is used:

  1. Industrial facilities (factories, warehouses, etc.) and public buildings (shops, shopping centers, etc.) are the first to be turned off.
  2. Then residential buildings are switched off.
  3. The last thing to do is turn off the heating system in social institutions (hospitals, clinics, universities, schools, kindergartens, etc.).

If the problem is not resolved

If the HOA, housing office or management company have not taken any measures, or the problem has not been resolved within two weeks after drawing up the report, you need to file a complaint with the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or directly with the Prosecutor's Office. Or you can send an application to three authorities at once. To speed up the result, it is better to draw up a collective complaint from residents.

In the application, carefully describe the problem, attach a copy of the request to the service organization, a copy of the report and a copy of the service’s response. In addition, you can take additional temperature measurements and check the living conditions in the apartment with the help of an independent expert.

How to correctly write and submit a complaint against the management company, read the link.

It's warm outside, but the radiators are hot: what to do?

Quite often situations arise when the air temperature remains at levels acceptable for shutdown, the street becomes warm, but the centralized heating system continues to work. The apartments are stuffy. Residents of apartment buildings are forced to constantly ventilate their rooms. We can say that at this time the thermal power plant heats the street.

However, complaining to the housing and communal services service, the municipality, the Thermal Power Plant and any other institution is useless. The peculiarity of the centralized heating system is that after turning it off, it cannot be turned on immediately.

Therefore, until the municipality is sure that there will be no cold snap in the near future (the decision is made on the basis of meteorological reports), an order to end the heating season will not be issued.

Due to heating in April and May, apartments become hot and stuffy, and this continues for many years. However, there are no technical capabilities to solve the problem yet, since this would require completely changing the system in all cities.

Normal temperature in the apartment

  • The normal temperature in residential premises is at least +18 degrees; in corner rooms it should not fall below +20 degrees;
  • It is advisable that the temperature in the bedrooms should not exceed 17-18 degrees. This mode will ensure healthy and comfortable sleep;
  • A temperature of 18-19 degrees is suitable for kitchen premises, since a large number of electrical and heating appliances are located here. At higher temperatures, it will become very hot and stuffy while cooking. In addition, more dirt, grime and grease will remain on the walls, furniture and ceiling. How to wash off grease in the kitchen, see here;
  • The temperature in the bathroom must be maintained at 24-26 degrees, since this room is characterized by high humidity. At lower temperatures, you will feel damp and cold, and mold and mildew may appear;
  • Pay special attention to the temperature regime if a small child lives in the apartment. For newborn children, a comfortable temperature is considered to be 22-24 degrees, for older babies it is 20-22 degrees;
  • In rooms other than the bathroom, do not exceed the temperature above 22 degrees, otherwise the rooms will be stuffy and uncomfortable.

Is it possible to turn off the heat before the official deadline?

If apartments are heated using common building equipment, then the heating may be turned off before the official end of the season. It is enough for the owners of the premises to arrange a meeting where the appropriate decision will be made.

If the house is heated by a centralized system, which is managed by the Thermal Power Plant, then it will not be possible to turn it off before the officially announced date under any circumstances.

The maximum duration of absence of heat in houses during the heating season is regulated at the legislative level. The rules are stated in section 6 of the first appendix of the RF PP No. 354:

  • no more than 24 hours per month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time, at temperatures from 12 oC to 18 oC;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time, at temperatures from 10 oC to 12 oC;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time, at temperatures from 8 oC to 10 oC.

The following situations are exceptions:

  • accident or threat of its occurrence;
  • natural disasters;
  • identification of illegal connection to the system, as a result of which its stable operation is jeopardized;
  • Legislative order to deactivate the heating system.

In all other cases, for each hour of inactivity of the heating system during the season, residents receive a discount on the cost of the service in the amount of 0.15%. The temperature in the apartment during the heating season should not fall below 18 degrees.

How to heat an apartment in the off-season

If the heating season has not yet arrived and the apartment is cold, you can use additional heating methods. This is especially important if there are small children living in the house. In this case, fan heaters will help, as they can heat even large areas in a short time.

Fan heaters consume a minimal amount of energy, do not take up much space and are easy to store. But at the same time, they reduce air quality and reduce oxygen levels. How to maintain a comfortable level of temperature, humidity and oxygen in the apartment, read the article about air humidifiers.

To heat the room, floor or wall heating convectors or oil heaters are also used. They do not have a negative impact on the air content and quality, but they dry it out. In addition, such radiators consume a large amount of electricity.

Air conditioners are a suitable solution because they are safe, efficient, practical and economical. In addition, they combine the functions of cooling and heating the room, depending on the needs.

We looked at when and at what temperature the heating is turned off and on. We learned how to heat a room in the off-season. But what to do if the heating time has already come, but there is still no heat in the radiators?

Can the batteries be turned on again if it gets colder?

All centralized heating systems in all settlements of the Russian Federation operate on the same principle. After lengthy preparation, which takes place in the off-season, they are turned on. At the end of the season, on the date specified by the municipality, they are switched off. Reactivation immediately after deactivation is not possible.

In some cases, thermal power plants and boiler houses can be switched in periodic heating mode. This mode involves changing the temperature in heating systems at different times of the day. For example, at night the power increases, during the day it decreases.

Central heating is turned off based on the decision of the municipality.
Residents of apartment buildings connected to it cannot influence the temperature in the radiators of their apartments. In most regions of the country, heating is turned off between April 20 and May 10. Useful article? Rate and share with friends!

If the apartment has no heating

The temperature in residential premises should not be below normal. If during the heating season there are cold radiators in the apartment, you need to write a complaint to the organization that services the house. This is a housing office, a homeowners association or a management company.

Find an agreement with this institution, which, as a rule, stipulates the conditions for filing a complaint or claim. In addition, statements are written to these organizations if there is no water or low water pressure in the apartment, or there is no gas or electricity.

Applications are submitted in writing, describing the problem in detail with a request to inform about the results of consideration of the application, take action, and recalculate payments for utility services.

Be sure to make and save a copy of the claim! The application must be accepted and registered with the housing office, homeowners association or management organization.

After submitting an application, an expert comes to the apartment to take temperature measurements and check the condition of the plumbing in the premises. As a result of the inspection, he draws up a corresponding act. If the temperature is below normal, and the service company is to blame, the violations must be corrected within 7-10 days.

If the problem is low-quality batteries installed in the apartment, the owner himself must replace or repair the radiators. For example, heating appliances are outdated or broken. To carry out work, you must obtain permission from the management company, housing office or homeowners association!

If the heating is turned off due to an emergency, there is no need to do additional checks and measurements of the temperature in the apartment. In this case, the service organization must restore heating in no more than 16 hours at temperatures in residential premises above 12 degrees Celsius and in four hours at temperatures below + 10 degrees.

If the deadlines are exceeded, you can request a recalculation of heating payments. As a result, payment is reduced by 0.15% of the cost of the tariff for each degree of deviation from the normal temperature and by the same amount for each hour of exceeding the deadlines. To recalculate, you need to write a corresponding application and submit it to the service organization.

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